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2022 brought over 600 birds into the Birds of Prey Foundation. As the largest raptor center in Colorado, we saw many different diseases and injuries. Throughout our busy season we worked all day and into most nights caring for our most critical patients. We continue to care for many birds that are growing feathers, regaining strength and waiting for spring to come, all while admitting more patients every day.
Your donations provide food, medical care and shelter for these majestic birds of prey while they regain the strength to soar on mended wings once again. Click the button below to donate today!

Other ways you can help:
King Soopers Community Rewards Program
This is an easy way to do your shopping and support the Birds of Prey Foundation at the same time! Simply create an account at Once you have an account, click on “Community Rewards” in the left-hand column and search for the Birds of Prey Foundation's name or use the ID FE260, then click “Enroll”. That’s it! Once enrolled, the foundation will automatically start earning funds as you shop.

Wish List
Want to give a more tangible donation? Check out our wish list of everyday items you can donate and easily drop off at our ICU.
Shop Online Wishlist
Easily shop our online wish list on Amazon and have items shipped directly to us!
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